Personal Finance

Home-Based Business? Discover How To Maximize Tax Savings With Office Deductions

by Paul Van Walleghem CFE Graduate - Lazer Grant LLP Chartered Professional Accountants

Summary: Home Office Expenses

Have you started a business out of your home? Did you know that some of your home office expenses may be eligible for home office tax deductions on your income?

For your home office expenses to be deductible, you must meet the following criteria:

  • Your home office must meet one of the two criteria set out below; and
  • The total expenses must be pro-rated based on the size of your office compared to your home.


For a home office to be eligible for deduction in your business, according to the Income Tax Act:

  • Your office space must be your principal place of business – 50% or more of your business activities are conducted inside that space; and/or
  • The space is used to earn business income and is regularly used, on an ongoing basis, to meet clients or customers.

If at least one of these criteria is satisfied, your home office expenses can be deducted against your business income for the tax year.

Eligible home office expenses

Many expenses are eligible for the tax deduction. Common expenses include insurance, utilities and other maintenance costs. Some lesser known items that can increase the amount you are able to deduct include mortgage interest and property taxes paid during the year. If an expense relates to both your home and your business, it is likely deductible.

Calculating the Deduction

Measure the size of your home office then divide that by the size of your home. That will give the percentage used to calculate the deductible amount.

  • For example, if your home is 1,000 square feet and your office is 100 square feet, the deductible percentage is 10%.

Next, multiply your total eligible expenses by your percentage. That gives the maximum allowable expense you can deduct from your business income for the year.

Deduct lower of eligible amount or amount needed to nullify business net income. You cannot use your home office deduction to create a business loss. Carry forward any difference to offset future business income.


Understanding and utilizing home office tax deductions can significantly benefit your business finances. Meet criteria, calculate deductible expenses to maximize tax benefits and comply with the Income Tax Act. Remember, these deductions extend beyond the obvious expenses, encompassing items like mortgage interest and property taxes. Assess your home office, determine deductible percentage, reduce business income taxes. Stay informed, and you’ll find that these deductions can be a valuable asset in managing your business’s financial health.

Paul Van Walleghem
About Paul Van Walleghem

Paul Van Walleghem is a CFE graduate at Lazer Grant LLP Chartered Professional Accountants, a local public accounting firm in Winnipeg, Manitoba.  He has six years of public practice experience. Paul’s main focus is to help small-to-medium-sized businesses grow and succeed.

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