5 Ways KOHO Can Help You Get Ahead

KOHO is dedicated to helping Canadians be able to travel more, retire sooner and live more balanced lives. Here's how KOHO can help.

Are Tax Rates Going Higher in Canada?

There have been numerous rumours about tax increases coming over the last few years including taxing gains on principal residences, estate taxes, and an increase in the capital gains inclusion rate. Although it remains unclear what increased taxes could look like in the future, I think it’s more likely that we will see an increase in the capital gains inclusion rate as compared to introducing a tax on principal residences...

Arthur Burns & the Danger of Stopping Too Soon When It Comes to Inflation

The recent bout of inflation that the western world has been seeing is one that is familiar to us following periods of intense economic growth . Learn more about our historical fight against inflation to give more perspective on our current inflation situation...

Do I Need a Business Plan?

So you have an idea for a business, that’s great but what comes next? I won’t waste your time writing another article about how to write a business plan, as there are plenty of resources available online to assist you with that. Most of them illustrate what’s the best thing to do in theory, so instead of re-communicating that, I thought it would be more important to talk about how things work in reality...

What is the Lifetime Capital Gains Exemption (LCGE)?

The lifetime capital gains exemption (LCGE) is one of the most effective ways to reduce how much tax you might owe when you sell a business, farm, or fishery in Canada. Learn how to keep more money from a sale with the LCGE...

You Can Become an Entrepreneur Without a New, Groundbreaking Idea

There are many examples of successful entrepreneurs who didn’t have that great idea on their own and ended up building expansive businesses nonetheless. One highly publicized example involves the founder of what is now known as Meta, and a pair of Harvard rowers (for reference, see: The Social Network). In all seriousness, I’m not suggesting you steal your friends’ startup idea and call it your own, but rather that there is a lot more to being an entrepreneur than having an incredible one-off idea, and that the lack of a new, innovative idea doesn’t discount you from the possibility of becoming a successful entrepreneur.

What is the S&P 500?

The Standard and Poor's 500 (S&P 500) is s stock market index that tracks the performance of 500 large companies listed on U.S. based stock exchanges. The S&P 500 is considered the best indicator of the American economy and markets.

Common Investment Strategies and their Shortcomings

Many investors have been fooled by blindly following common investment strategies that may seem popular, but ultimately and often lead to them losing money. Use this guide to avoid the common pitfalls to ensure that your money is growing for you over the long term!

Cryptocurrencies (& Bitcoin) 101: The Absolute Fundamentals

Cryptocurrencies are programmable assets; they exist only in software. It is all software. When one “owns” a cryptocurrency, it’s actually software informing others that one controls a chunk of that software. This software can be useful to people, similar to how Microsoft Word software is useful to people...

3 Ways to Improve Your Workplace Wellness

How often do you set aside time in your life to prioritize your health and well being? If you're a busy professional, chances are you're letting your health slip to the wayside and you may not even realize it. Luckily you don't need to sacrifice your work ethic while getting intentional about your workplace wellness. In fact, improving your workplace wellness will actually add to your productivity, happiness and success. In this article, I am going to share 3 simple and effective ways to improve workplace wellness, so that you can thrive in all areas of your life...

CFA or MBA? Here Are the Key Points to Consider

After consulting with several industry professionals, I opted to complete both the CFA and an MBA. In hindsight, I now see things very differently and can put my decision in a different context, prior to understanding and navigating the complicated world of acronyms and accolades...

What is a Home Equity Line of Credit?

A home equity line of credit (or HELOC for short) is a financial tool that allows homeowners to access the equity in their home without needing to sell their house first. A HELOC can be used to draw money to fund repairs, renovations and to make other investments. A HELOC, if used correctly. can be an extremely powerful tool to growth your wealth, but it doesn't come without its risks...

Depreciation for Rental Properties in Canada

If you are investing in rental properties, you need to understand the concept and principle of depreciation for rental properties. This strategy will save you tens of thousands of dollars in taxes over time, and can help achieve a variety of different outcomes...

House Hacking 101: What It Is And How To Do It

With the prices of real estate as high as they are, house hacking is a strategy to try to drive down the cost of home ownership. Learn more about what it is and how to do it here...

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